Bruce Rosenblum: 2020’s NISO Fellow
March 9, 2020
The first NISO Plus conference, held on February 23-25, 2020, featured an awards luncheon in the tradition of the annual NFAIS conference. As part of this awards program, NISO also revived the...Read More
New in eXtyles NLM: JATS4R recommendations for markup of ethics and data availability statements
November 4, 2019
NISO’s JATS for Reuse (JATS4R) Working Group recently issued recommendations for markup of ethics statements and data availability statements in journal articles, and we’re updating our eXtyles NLM build to help customers...Read More
Standards for standards: ISOSTS and NISO STS compared
February 22, 2019
In working with national standards bodies (NSBs), standards development organizations (SDOs), and other organizations that publish standards, we hear a lot of questions about the differences between ISOSTS and NISO STS. While ISOSTS and NISO...Read More
Now playing: The NISO STS Standing Committee!
May 30, 2018
NISO STS, the Standards Tag Suite, became an American National Standards Institute standard (ANSI/NISO Z39.102-2017; supporting materials are located at www.niso-sts.org) in October 2017. This new standard, derived from JATS, was developed by an...Read More
Inera/Typefi STS webinar series
November 6, 2017
To celebrate the release of the new NISO STS standard, Typefi and Inera are hosting a weekly webinar series on how you can best leverage STS. On October 9, 2017, the National Information Standards Organization...Read More
Inside the past, present, and future of JATS with Bruce Rosenblum
September 6, 2017
The Journal Article Tag Suite (JATS) DTD and its predecessors have been the standard for online journal publishing for over a decade—but how much do you know about how that standard came...Read More
Presentations available for NISO XML for Standards Publishers event
May 9, 2017
Slide presentations are now posted online from XML for Standards Publishers: A NISO Connections Live Event, which was held on April 24, 2017, at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC.
STS draft standard & DTD released for public comment period
April 24, 2017
The NISO STS Working Group announced today that the draft standard STS: Standards Tag Suite, NISO Z39.102-201x, has been posted at http://www.niso.org/workrooms/sts/ for public comment. Co-chaired by Inera CEO Bruce Rosenblum and...Read More