New in eXtyles NLM: JATS4R recommendations for markup of ethics and data availability statements

NISO’s JATS for Reuse (JATS4R) Working Group recently issued recommendations for markup of ethics statements and data availability statements in journal articles, and we’re updating our eXtyles NLM build to help customers comply with those recommendations!

Current eXtyles NLM builds automatically mark up certain XML sections (elements) with a @sec-type when they start with particular level 1 headings, such as Introduction (sec-type=”intro”), Results (sec-type=”results”), Materials and Methods (sec-type=”materials|methods”). We’re now extending this functionality to mark sections that start with headings that contain the following terms:


  • Ethical approval
  • Ethics
  • Ethics Statement
  • Statement of Ethics


  • Availability of Supporting Data
  • Data Accessibility
  • Data Availability
  • Data Sharing

Because ethics and data availability statements are unlikely to be level 1 headings, all these attributes will now be added when the appropriate phrase/s occur at any heading level.

For more information, please contact us at [email protected]!