Welcome | The Year (and the Next Frontier) in eXtyles

Luciano Panepucci: hi all!

Jennifer Seifert (Inera): Welcome to XUG 2021!

Liz Blake (Inera): hi Luciano!

Sylvia Hunter: Hello, everyone! Welcome to XUG 2021!

Joni Dames (Inera): Hi everyone!

Megan Prosser: My first XUG!

Ron Keller: Hello from windy, rainy Urbana, IL!

Igor Kleshchevich (Inera): Hello everyone! Welcome! Hello from rainy LA 🙂

Sylvia Hunter: Hello from windy & rainy Toronto, Canada!

Robin Dunford (Inera): Not raining here in the UK!

Joel T. Luber (he/him, Duke Univ. Press): windy, rainy North Carolina, too!

Jennifer Kemp, Crossref: Hello fron gray NYC!

Luciano Panepucci: Brasil

Rebecca Luttrell: Windy and rainy in Chicago, too!

Kevin O’Donovan: Rainy in Durham, NC!

Annie Gering (she/her): Not windy but rainy Durham, NC!

Tommie Usdin: Hello from sunny Washington DC!

Nathalie Brûlé: Ottawa, Ontario. Rainy here too.

Robin Dunford (Inera): I didn’t say it was sunny! It’s nearly dark, for one thing

Luciano Panepucci: it will be raining soon

Susie: Cloudy Northern Virgian

Peter Olson: Just rainy here in Vermont

Sylvia Hunter: How lovely that we can all be indoors, enjoying XUG!

Emily Johnston (Typefi): Sunny and beautiful in Wisconsin! Hello, everyone!

Sylvia Hunter: With a nice cup of tea

Luciano Panepucci: my camera wont turn on. 🙁

Debbie Lapeyre: Washington Dc is gorgeous! Sunny!

Jan Driesen: Jan from Belgium. Too dark already to see what the weather is like….

Sylvia Hunter: Landing page for today: https://www.inera.com/xug-2021-day-1

Sylvia Hunter: Wonder landing page: https://www.inera.com/xug-2021-wonder

Sylvia Hunter: Bingo landing page: https://www.inera.com/xug-2021-bingo

Luciano Panepucci: I’m already with my bingo card.

Liz Blake (Inera): of course!

Luciano Panepucci: make it hybrid?

Caran Wilbanks: Hard to answer– I might be retired next yar

Caran Wilbanks: 1year

Robin Dunford (Inera): So eXtyles can now buy a beer in Massachusetts? At last!

Jo Ripoll (Inera): Ooh, good for you, Caran!

Ken Rawson: Might it be time to consider a name change for XUG in 2022 as Inera grows?

Julie Hinds: Are previous webinars still available to view?

Jo Ripoll (Inera): Yes. Some require registration to view, but I believe the Auto-Style webinar is available to view without registration on our website

Julie Hinds: Thank you!

Jo Ripoll (Inera): https://www.inera.com/events/inera-webinars/

Ulysses Lateiner (Cell Press/Elsevier, he/him): 1638-pt font???? How is that even possible?

Sylvia Hunter: Gotta admire the persistence of authors, generation after generation, in finding new ways to do superscript


Luciano Panepucci: ????????????????


Robin Dunford (Inera): It’s a limit in Word

Joel T. Luber (he/him, Duke Univ. Press): Do a lot of billboard makers use eXtyles?

Robin Dunford (Inera): The font of the offending style was set to 12,170 points

Robin Dunford (Inera): Which is over 14 feet tall

Susie: BINGO

Jo Ripoll (Inera): Wow, that was fast, Susie. Email it to me at [email protected]

Jo Ripoll (Inera): Wow, I think I made bingo too easy this year ????

Jennifer Seifert (Inera): [email protected]

Sylvia Hunter: @Robin that is ASTOUNDING

Luciano Panepucci: I’m one down to bingo..

Ron Keller: That’s a bingo. =)

Jo Ripoll (Inera): Gotta email it to me for it to count for prizes!

ForsbergCB: Hoping this means a decoupling of Word crashes (Word crashing in the middle of an Advanced Processing routine or during export), taking both down!

Luciano Panepucci: Does the automatic language detection also works on trans-title?

Kevin O’Donovan: Any thoughts regarding connecting eXtyles to Google Docs?

Luciano Panepucci: ah, ok.

Sylvia Hunter: Palabras claves?

Luciano Panepucci: Palavras-chave

Luciano Panepucci: 🙂

Rob O’Donnell: Do you see desktop eXtyles becoming less of a priority for Inera/Atypon with time, as more resources are dedicated to cloud solutions?

Luciano Panepucci: thanks

Kevin O’Donovan: I was just curious. 🙂

Robin Dunford (Inera): Google Docs also doesn’t require an Office license

Luciano Panepucci: What does major update of DEPARTMENT tagging?

Luciano Panepucci: yes

Luciano Panepucci: will it auto-detect departments?

Luciano Panepucci: I’m potentially happy

Luciano Panepucci: THANKS

Rob O’Donnell: Doesn’t everyone want automatic ROR retrieval??

Bobbie Jo Hanks: What’s ROR?

O’Connor, Charles (ELS-HBE): ROR ROR ROR ROR!

Joel T. Luber (he/him, Duke Univ. Press): we don’t even print affiliations . . .

Sylvia Hunter: https://ror.org/

Bobbie Jo Hanks: ahhh okay

Sylvia Hunter: ????

Luciano Panepucci: it surrelly can

Luciano Panepucci: it’s a licensing and dev thing…?

Luciano Panepucci: not yet thank goD!

Luciano Panepucci: scielo loves new things

Luciano Panepucci: coffee!

Ulysses Lateiner (Cell Press/Elsevier, he/him): WHISKEY

Ulysses Lateiner (Cell Press/Elsevier, he/him): no, just kidding

Liz Blake (Inera): … or is he?

Jo Ripoll (Inera): Save that for the reception!

Flash talks: Around the World with Inera

Luciano Panepucci: eXtyles Custom will be per client docuimentation!?!??

Luciano Panepucci: Will/is this 64bit work ported to eXtyles Lite?

Jo Ripoll (Inera): Not quite that specific, unfortunately because they are so customized, but all of the potential modules that are available in eXtyles Custom will be in the documentation

Bruce Rosenblum: no. we discontinued lite a while back

Luciano Panepucci: ah, ok. I didn’t remember about that..

Ulysses Lateiner (Cell Press/Elsevier, he/him): OneDrive/SharePoint compatibility would be very nice!

Sylvia Hunter: https://www.atypon.com/community/

Sylvia Hunter: https://www.atypon.com/webinars

Sylvia Hunter: https://www.atypon.com/subscribe

Sylvia Hunter: https://www.atypon.com/webinars/atypon-community-meeting/

Sylvia Hunter: [email protected]

Laurent Galichet: I need this….. end 2022….please….!

Luciano Panepucci: extyles cloud input files need to be previouly tagged?

Joel T. Luber (he/him, Duke Univ. Press): What is XML-based peer review?

Ken Rawson: Do you use DITA to help create your documentation?

Bill Fox: Not tagged, just Word

Monica Mungle: What is the timeline for 64-bit eXtyles?

Bill Fox: XML Peer Review: Using an XML document further upstream in the document editorial process

Pat Gibbons: Will 32 bit be sunset?

Luciano Panepucci: does ARC automatically handles complex tables and author’s excess of crativity and design?

Monica Mungle: Thanks!

Sylvia Hunter: “Author’s excess of creativity and design” is such a delightful way of expressing that

Luciano Panepucci: thanks!

Luciano Panepucci: is it powered by an arc reactor?

Robin Dunford (Inera): (Quickly googles Arc reactor…)

Robin Dunford (Inera): No, it is not, sadly

Ulysses Lateiner (Cell Press/Elsevier, he/him): sounds like a part from the Back to the Future DeLorean

Ulysses Lateiner (Cell Press/Elsevier, he/him): “the flux capacitor has disconnected from the arc reactor!”

Liz Blake (Inera): hahaha

Bill Fox: Iron Man

Problems & Solutions

Luciano Panepucci: I know extyles exports cell background colors, buyt does it also exports text facing color?

Anna Glover; USGS (sie/sie): Last time we allowed authors to have font colors, it did not.

Joni Dames (Inera): You could use a character style and map that to something custom in the XML, but there’s currently no way to capture just a font color (or size) override in Word and pass it through to the XML

Luciano Panepucci: extyles unrelated comment: we tend to discorage authors using color to convey significance.

Joni Dames (Inera): Yes, there are accessibility considerations with using text color to convey meaning

Luciano Panepucci: hmm…. appling a custom character style is interesting! Haven’t tought of that yet!

Robin Dunford (Inera): Some customers have already done that, and also have used character styles to preserve mid-paragraph font face changes

Luciano Panepucci: ????????

Luciano Panepucci: audio is cutting..

Ulysses Lateiner (Cell Press/Elsevier, he/him): ☝️

Jennifer Seifert (Inera): Thank you, Jo – it’s better ????

Louise Adam: The $$ “character” splits an affiliation into (1) Institution, and (2) location, as needed for re-import into the abstract system.

Jo Ripoll (Inera): I have changed the permission, so everyone is able to unmute themselves if they’d like to ask a question

Louise Adam: Will the wide-table solution be added to future builds for other customers?

Luciano Panepucci: Curious: how long to reprocess a document and check the PDF?

Luciano Panepucci: with typefi I mean

Bobbie Jo Hanks: Depends on the size of the doc

Bobbie Jo Hanks: Some run in a couple of minutes, longer docs can take an hour

Luciano Panepucci: ????

Anna Glover; USGS (sie/sie): Runs from a handful of minutes to half an hour or longer, depending on document size.

Bobbie Jo Hanks: and of course the server you have running the job would impact that as well

Bobbie Jo Hanks: but we get documents that are hundreds of pages, 50 figures and 100 pages of tables along. THOSE are the reports that take an hour

Luciano Panepucci: ah, ok!

Implementing eXtyles Arc

Luciano Panepucci: I’m curious also!

Caran Wilbanks: Our agency has that as the standard, and we have to work under an exception to use 32-bit. It is difficult to be sure that is what people get when they have to have their computer reimaged or they get a new computer.

Luciano Panepucci: WE just install 32bit for everyone to avoid the trouble

Luciano Panepucci: 🙂

Igor Kleshchevich (Inera): Ше шы зщгкштп тщц руку фе ДФ!

Igor Kleshchevich (Inera): It is pouring now here in LA!

Robin Dunford (Inera): I didn’t know it ever rained in LA!

Robin Dunford (Inera): Except in the movies

Ron Keller: I am!

Luciano Panepucci: I wonder how we manage to copyedit over 30K pages per year for 80+ different journals, without arc and with a small team of 12!

Luciano Panepucci: if you copyedit the generated DOC file after arc, how is the final XML generated?

Luciano Panepucci: ah, so arc does accept copyedited files in order to export only?

Diana: Can you elaborate on the comment about images export in doc vs docx?

Robin Dunford (Inera): @Luciano – in that case you would not need Arc (which is the automatic styling part). SI on its own could be set up to run just an XML export step if the files were already processed

O’Connor, Charles (ELS-HBE): Did say that you convert equations to MathType after Arc processing? Why not convert before or as part of Arc processing?

Ron Keller: There is a cleanup option to extract equation numbers from OMML equations, but it doesn’t work on MathType.

Ron Keller: If we convert at the end, we can take advantage of that feature.

O’Connor, Charles (ELS-HBE): ????

Luciano Panepucci: Thanks @Robin!

Ken Rawson: And they told me there would be no math!

Liz Blake (Inera): haha

Anna Glover; USGS (sie/sie): lol

Luciano Panepucci: Can you give as thje link for this plugin?

Robin Dunford (Inera): https://movemen.com/products/details/mathtools-2.0/

Luciano Panepucci: thanks

Eric Damitz (Typefi): https://movemen.com/

Eric Damitz (Typefi): They’re on v3 now

Robin Dunford (Inera): Thanks Eric!