Empathy + reproducibility: Inera’s support philosophy

At Inera, we take customer support seriously, and we’re proud of the personalized, responsive support we provide to our customers!

How do we do it?

Weddenz, a tabby kitten, sleeping in a basketMembers of the Inera Support Team are eXtyles and Edifix experts, well versed in the ins and outs of our software tools and the customers who use them. Beyond that, we’re a varied bunch, from backgrounds including literature, botany, programming, editing (in a variety of disciplines), journal and book production, desktop publishing, microbiology, cultural studies, and project management. All team members share a dedication to Inera’s support philosophy: to approach every support query with empathy and contextualize each issue to provide the best solutions.

Because the majority of the team has worked in some area of publishing, we understand that our customers have a variety of needs and use a variety of workflows. Our goal is to support our customers in their workflows and meet users where they are!

Help us help you!

In general, it’s always a good idea to supply more information rather than less:

✅ Reference 24 in this file (attached) was processed as a journal article, but it’s actually a book chapter.
❌ Reference processing worked incorrectly on this file.

Kenzie, a Chihuaha-pug mix, and Madeleine, a Yorkie-Shih Tzu mix, looking at the cameraIn addition to empathy and flexibility, a key part of our customer support is reproducing the issue submitted in each query. To determine what’s causing the problem you experienced, we will often need to run the same eXtyles process you did, using the same configuration and the same version of Word. An eXtyles issue can be specific to your configuration, to a particular version of Word, or to a particular document.

To help us reproduce your issue and get you a quick solution, please send us all versions of the specific file(s) involved (including any $base or $original baseline copies saved by eXtyles), as well as all information that might be relevant, when you submit your query!

How, when, and where to find us

Betsy the henOur Support team is available Monday through Friday, from 9:00am to 5:00pm Eastern Time. Need help outside those hours? You can submit a support query at any time using our support portal, and our searchable FAQ library is available 24/7 at this link!

If you haven’t yet used our support portal, we encourage you to give it a try: it’s easy to use, helps you keep track of all your team’s support queries in one place, and reminds you to include important information and attachments.

→ Did you know? Ask us to make you a Team Lead on the support portal and you’ll be able to see all tickets from all eXtyles users on your team!

Is there anything Support can’t do?

Poppy, a tuxedo cat, sleeping on a laptop keyboardOur Support team is friendly, available, and almost always able to help you resolve whatever issues you’re having with eXtyles!

But there are some issues we can’t help with. Here’s why:

  • We can’t resolve issues that are caused by Word or by Windows rather than by eXtyles. In such cases, we will do our best to point you in the right direction, but you will likely need to resolve the problem internally.
  • We can’t run your content ourselves and return it to you to use in production.
  • We can’t resolve issues that are caused by the permissions settings on your PC or by other factors in your IT environment. (Helpful documentation for IT folks is available for download here).

We’re on your side!

Inera’s software development has always been customer-driven. For both our developers and our support team, the main focus is on helping you reach your publishing goals—and we work closely with each other, as well as with you, to help you get there.


Special thanks to the following auxiliary members of our Support team (from top to bottom): Weddenz, Trainee Kitten; Kenzie and Madeline, Helpful Puppers; Betsy, Eagle-Eyed Hen; and Poppy, Senior Feline.