Inera in print and at the podium
Being research data
What motivates people to participate in clinical trials? What can we learn about our own work from the researchers who conduct those trials? In a guest post on the Scholarly Kitchen, Bruce Rosenblum explains why he became research data, what he’s learned from “researching the researchers,” and how others can become research data, too.
Why disability data capture is key to improving inclusion outcomes in scholarly publishing
Together with co-authors Simon Holt (Elsevier), Erin Osborne-Martin (Wiley), and Stacy Scott (Taylor & Francis), Inera’s Sylvia Izzo Hunter examines the whys, hows, benefits, and complexities of capturing large-scale data on disability in the scholarly communications industry. Published in a DEIA-focused special issue of Learned Publishing.
Read “Why disability data capture is key to improving inclusion outcomes in scholarly publishing”
An Incomplete Guide to Creating Accessible Content
Inera’s Joni Dames sets out to answer some deceptively simple questions about accessibility—What are the obstacles preventing people from accessing your content? Are you creating content that people can interact with easily? Is your content more than just 508-compliant?—and explains how to stop worrying and incorporate some basic steps in your workflow to help make sure your content is accessible to everyone. This paper was presented at JATS-Con 2022.
Read “An Incomplete Guide to Creating Accessible Content”
Watch the video recording of “An Incomplete Guide to Creating Accessible Content”
What’s Wrong with Preprint Citations?
The COVID-19 pandemic produced an explosion of postings on preprint servers to meet the critical need for rapid dissemination of new biomedical and clinical research findings—and citations to these preprints have exploded, too. In this guest post on the Scholarly Kitchen blog, Inera’s Sylvia Izzo Hunter, Igor Kleshchevich, and Bruce Rosenblum discuss what we learned about preprint citations through updating our software to handle them.
Disclosing Disability in the Workplace
The decision to disclose a disability or serious health condition in the workplace—especially a hidden or invisible one—is a decision that thousands of people face every day. Whether in senior positions or just starting out, many of us struggle with what, how, and how much of ourselves to share with our colleagues, with our professional contacts, and with the industry at large. In this guest post on the Scholarly Kitchen blog, Inera’s Bruce Rosenblum shares a personal perspective on this question.
Keeping It Authentic: Reconciling ORCID iDs Gathered at Submission with the Author Manuscript
In this Industry Update article for Learned Publishing, published in the July 2018 issue, Inera’s Robin Dunford and Bruce Rosenblum discuss current issues in the collection, authentication, and publication of authors’ ORCID iDs. The article describes how eXtyles ORCID Integration Suite allows automated reconciliation and synchronization between an article submission system’s transmittal file and the author manuscript to ensure that authenticated ORCID iDs are protected through the publication cycle.
Letter to the Editor: RE: Seifert M. How accurate are references in Trace Elements and Electrolytes? Trace Elem Electrolytes. 2017; 34: 137-138.
In an invited response to this letter from Dr. Matthias Seifert, Inera’s Robin Dunford, Sylvia Izzo Hunter, and Bruce Rosenblum document the results of an investigation into how our eXtyles software handles errors and omissions in author-submitted reference lists. Taken together, Dr. Seifert’s findings and our own demonstrate that Inera’s software does its job well, while also offering concrete suggestions for further improving reference accuracy beyond the use of software.
Wrangling Math from Microsoft Word into JATS XML Workflows
Inera’s Caitlin Gebhard and Bruce Rosenblum clarify the different forms of equations that can be encountered in Word documents and discuss the issues and idiosyncrasies of converting these various forms to MathML, LaTeX, and/or images in the JATS XML model. This paper also touches on workflow alternatives for handling equations in various rendering environments and how those downstream requirements may affect the means of equation extraction from Word documents. This paper was presented at JATS-Con 2016.
Read “Wrangling Math from Microsoft Word into JATS XML Workflows”
XML Publication Workflows for Standards
Bruce Rosenblum presents an overview of XML workflow options for standards bodies that includes an ISO case study. This article is reproduced with the permission of SES, the Society for Standards Professionals. The article was first published in Standards Engineering, the official SES Journal, Vol. 65, No. 6, November/December 2013. For subscription or membership information, contact SES at [email protected].
Variations in XML Reference Tagging in Scholarly Publication
Bruce Rosenblum provides a brief history of reference tagging in SGML and XML. The paper discusses specific reference markup structures in the Journal Article Tag Suite (JATS), from the common to the arcane. The evolution from <citation> and <nlm-citation> to the newer <mixed-citation> and <element-citation> elements in 3.x is reviewed, including a discussion of the workflow implications of each model. Bruce concludes with some observations about the intersection among reference markup, online reference linking, and the true meaning of references in the world of electronic publishing. This paper was presented at JATS-Con 2011.
Read “Variations in XML Reference Tagging in Scholarly Publication”
NLM Journal Publishing DTD Flexibility: How and Why Applications of the NLM DTD Vary Based on Publisher-Specific Requirements
On the basis of a review of more than 20 implementations of the DTD, this paper discusses various interpretations chosen by a range of publishers as well as the business or technical requirements that led to those decisions. The implications, pro and con, of this flexibility are examined. The paper concludes with the suggestion that this flexibility is one factor that has led to wide adoption of the NLM DTD Suite. Presented at JATS-Con 2010 by Bruce Rosenblum.
E-Journal Archive DTD Feasibility Study
A report prepared by Inera under a Mellon Foundation grant for the Harvard University Libraries that surveys the DTDs of ten journal publishers.
NISO STS: Past, Present, Future
NISO STS, the Standards Tag Suite (ANSI/NISO Z39.102-2017), provides a common format for standards bodies, organizations, publishers, and archives to publish and exchange standards documents. In this session, Inera’s Bruce Rosenblum, a co-chair of the NISO STS Working Group, offers a history and overview of NISO STS Version 1.0, and discusses what you can expect to see in a future Version 1.1.
From Microsoft Word to NISO STS with Inera eXtyles
In this session from the Typefi Standards Symposium, Inera’s Robin Dunford demonstrates how you can use eXtyles STS to create validated NISO STS XML files directly from Microsoft Word.
View “From Microsoft Word to NISO STS with Inera eXtyles” (with transcript)
Challenges Citing Preprints and How to Tackle Them
Bruce Rosenblum’s talk at NISO’s Hot Topic Virtual Conference on Preprints outlines the major editorial and production challenges around best practices for preprint metadata and preprint citations and offers some potential solutions, illustrated with real-world examples.
End-to-End Publishing Automation with eXtyles Arc and Typefi
Inera’s Bruce Rosenblum and Liz Blake joined Jamie Brinkman and Emily Johnston of Typefi to present a free webinar showcasing how our eXtyles Arc and Typefi solutions work together to achieve a fully automated end-to-end article publishing workflow.
View “End-to-End Publishing Automation with eXtyles Arc and Typefi” (with transcript)
For additional Q&A, see our Q&A blog post.
Introducing: eXtyles Metadata Extraction
At JATS-Con 2018, Bruce Rosenblum demonstrated the newly launched eXtyles Arc Metadata Extraction as part of the Vendor Showcase session.
Watch Bruce’s presentation, “Introducing: eXtyles Metadata Extraction”
Full video coverage of JATS-Con 2018 Day 1 is available via the National Institutes of Health.
The Gift that Keeps on Giving: Metadata & Persistent Identifiers Through the Research & Publication Cycle
Bruce Rosenblum joined Christine Orr (Ringgold Inc.), Sarah Whalen (AAAS), Mary Seligy (Canadian Science Publishing), Jennifer Goodrich (Copyright Clearance Center), and Howard Ratner (CHORUS) for this panel at the Society for Scholarly Publishing 40th Annual Meeting in May 2018. Chosen as part of SSP’s second annual Virtual Meeting track, the session brought together success stories and cautionary tales from different stages of scholarly communications. Metadata and persistent identifiers smooth workflows and transitions between systems, enable analytics and discovery, and position all stakeholders for greater insight in to research activity as well as business development.
JATS XML and Related Publishing Standards
Bruce Rosenblum was invited by the Associação Brasileira de Editores Científicos (ABEC) to speak at their 25th Course on Scientific Publishing in São Paulo in June 2017. Bruce’s talk was targeted to publishing professionals wishing to improve their familiarity with XML publishing standards.
See the slides and access video for “JATS XML and Related Publishing Standards”
Standardizing Standards: Publishing with STS, eXtyles, and Typefi
Bruce Rosenblum joined other industry experts from Typefi and standards organizations around the world for this series of webinars, co-produced by Inera and Typefi, covering the what, why, and how of publishing standards with NISO STS.
View the recorded webinar series “Standardizing Standards: Publishing with STS, eXtyles, and Typefi”
Find Your Path: The Four Roads to XML
Bruce Rosenblum joined Chandi Perera of Typefi to offer attendees experiences and perspectives on when and where to introduce XML into the publishing workflow—during authoring, before editing, before composition, or after publication?—with attention to the pros and cons of each approach and publisher case studies emphasizing lessons learned from various workflow failures and successes.
Demystifying JATS & BITS with eXtyles & Typefi
Bruce Rosenblum joined Eric Damitz of Typefi, for a joint presentation in May 2016. Demonstrating an eXtyles-Typefi workflow, Bruce and Eric show how to leverage these complementary solutions to simplify your editorial and publishing processes, dramatically speed up production, and produce quality XML—without any additional effort or XML knowledge.
JATS and Its Role in Scholarly Publishing
Bruce Rosenblum discusses the evolution of NLM and JATS, the internationalization of JATS, the relationship between JATS and the standards ecosystem, and the uses and future of JATS XML. This keynote address was presented at JATS-Con Asia 2015.
Presentation materials and video can be found on the JATS-Con Asia program page.
Automated Quality Assurance for Heuristic-Based XML Creation Systems
A study of the stability of XML conversion system applications maintained by regularly conducted, automated regression testing. Presented by Bruce Rosenblum and Irina Golfman at Extreme Markup 2004.
View “Automated Quality Assurance for Heuristic-Based XML Creation Systems”
A Decade of DTDs and SGML in Scholarly Publishing: What Have We Learned?
A review of how DTDs reflect the business requirements of publishers in journal publishing. Presented by Bruce Rosenblum and Irina Golfman at Extreme Markup 2002.
Interviews and Press
NISO Open Teleconference: A Conversation with NISO Fellow Bruce Rosenblum
Bruce chats with NISO Associate Executive Director Nettie Lagace about his long history in the electronic publishing industry and how his experiences have affected the way we create and adopt standards and what we expect from our information sharing processes today.
JATS—Where’s It Going, Where Has It Been? (NISO Newsline)
NISO Newsline: Has the NISO version of the standard been widely adopted?
Bruce Rosenblum: There has been wide adoption of JATS in scholarly publishing. […] JATS has been more successful than we ever imagined. In many ways, it was an accident waiting to happen. By the time the NLM DTD got out the door, people were really looking for an off-the-shelf XML standard. A large part of the market was locked out of going toward XML without such a standard.
ALPSP Awards Spotlight on... Edifix, a cloud based bibliographic references service (ALPSP Blog)
ALPSP: Why do you think it demonstrates publishing innovation?
BR: […] The critical innovation Edifix brings to the bibliographic reference problem is its parsing engine – that is, its sophisticated ability to automatically identify the elements of plain-text references. This ability to accurately burst a reference into its parts and then put it back together enables all of the advanced Edifix services, from copyediting to data correction to structured output (including an output format that will let you import into a reference manager like EndNote without all of that manual labor).
eXtyles: Interview with Elizabeth Blake and Bruce Rosenblum (PLOS Blog)
7. How does eXtyles use the NLM DTD?
Bruce Rosenblum: eXtyles users, with no knowledge of XML, can create high-quality XML according to the NLM DTD as a simple one-button action after using eXtyles to easily complete editorial preparation of a manuscript. In other words, eXtyles XML creation is a natural by-product of normal manuscript preparation for publication, and it requires no specialized user knowledge.