NCBI Linking identifies accession numbers and IDs in Word documents and queries them against NCBI databases such as GenBank, PDB, Swiss-Prot, and so forth. Matched items are linked to their corresponding records on the NCBI website, and Word comments are inserted if an item has been changed, replaced, or removed. Appropriate markup can be exported to XML.
For example, when the module sees this text:
More recently, closely related strains were also isolated … from the ciliate Collinia sp. endoparasitic in euphausiids from the Gulf of California (unpublished GenBank record EU090136), and in a culture-independent analysis of the microbial burden and diversity in commercial airline cabins [7].
it applies the link and the character style db_ncbi_genbank to the text “EU090136”:
More recently, closely related strains were also isolated … from the ciliate Collinia sp. endoparasitic in euphausiids from the Gulf of California (unpublished GenBank record EU090136), and in a culture-independent analysis of the microbial burden and diversity in commercial airline cabins [7].
Clicking on this link brings up the NCBI GenBank record for this sequence.
Module license and maintenance fees apply. Please contact Inera if you are interested in incorporating this feature into your eXtyles configuration.