To celebrate the release of the new NISO STS standard, Typefi and Inera are hosting a weekly webinar series on how you can best leverage STS.
On October 9, 2017, the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) announced the publication of NISO STS (Standards Tag Suite), an XML tag suite for the publication of standards.
STS builds on JATS (Journal Article Tag Suite) — the standard widely used for journal publishing — and a variant of JATS, ISOSTS, the International Organization for Standardization’s (ISO) version of STS created in 2011.
To celebrate the release of the new standard, Typefi and Inera are hosting a weekly webinar series on how you can best leverage STS. Topics covered in these 30-minute recordings include:
- Everything you need to know about NISO STS
- The advantages of using NISO STS, eXtyles, and Typefi to transform your publishing processes
- Real-world case studies documenting how standards publishers have benefited from implementing XML-based publishing workflows (including ISOSTS)
Check out the first video here!
For all the details, check out the STS Webinar Series page.
Don’t want to wait for the series? Contact us now to find out how you can publish your standards more effectively with STS, eXtyles, and Typefi!