February 2018 Newsletter
Introducing … eXtyles Metadata Extraction Technology
Designed for integration with manuscript submission systems, preprint servers, repositories, and STM production workflows, eXtyles Metadata Extraction Technology simplifies the process of ingesting Word manuscripts. Instead of requiring authors to manually enter article metadata into multiple complex forms, eXtyles uses artificial intelligence to analyze the document; extract the article title, author names, affiliations, abstract, keywords, and bibliographic references; and convert this metadata into richly tagged JATS XML. This XML can then be ingested into a database in parallel with the manuscript, significantly shortening submission times for authors. Aries Systems’ Editorial Manager 14.1 is already using this technology.
Spotlight on eXtyles Reveal Hidden Text
If you’ve ever been caught off guard by Hidden text in Word documents, you’ll love this new eXtyles feature. (If you haven’t, learn more about Hidden text here—it may be sneaking around behind your back.) Available in the Cleanup dialog, this option warns you when Hidden text is present in your document and reveals it in one of two ways:
- Flag with Comment: Inserts a Word comment on text formatted as Hidden, including a fragment of the Hidden text for additional context
- Make Not Hidden: Inserts a Word comment on text formatted as Hidden and reveals the Hidden text
The default setting is Flag with Comment, which offers maximum information with minimum disruption. You can also select Leave As-Is, which makes no changes to Hidden text and does not insert an alert.
If you’ve received an updated eXtyles build since November 2017, then you already have Reveal Hidden Text in your Cleanup dialog; if not, you’ll see it in your next update!
In memoriam: Linda Beebe
We were saddened to hear about Linda Beebe’s passing on January 23. Linda spent the last thirteen years of her career as Senior Director, PsycINFO, at the American Psychological Association, and we were privileged to collaborate with her on a number of projects as she worked to expand PsycINFO in the digital age. But Linda was more than just the public face of PsycINFO. She was tireless in her work on broader scholarly publishing initiatives, such as serving on the board (and a term as chair) of Crossref and co-chairing the NISO Working Group on supplementary materials. She was thoughtful and articulate, whether sharing the platform during presentations at STM Production or SSP conferences, or recommending the best new theatre production to see after London Online was over. Linda cared deeply about her work, her industry, and her colleagues. She will be missed. —BDR
All about eXtyles XML Export workshop
Inera is excited to announce the eXtyles XML Export Workshop, a half-day workshop we’ll be presenting on March 22, 2018, in beautiful seaside Brighton, UK. The workshop will be hosted in coordination with the 2018 Typefi User Conference, but you don’t need to be a Typefi customer to attend!
Many eXtyles users are proficient in MS Word and move confidently through the eXtyles processes that leverage Word’s functions, such as paragraph styling and Auto-Redact—then pause before pushing the XML Export button, crossing their fingers that they won’t get parsing errors they aren’t sure how to resolve.
Led by Inera Solutions Consultant Robin Dunford, this half-day workshop will help you better understand the export process so you can uncross those fingers! We’ll focus especially on the kinds of problems in Word documents that lead to XML errors, and present lots of examples to help you build your troubleshooting skills.
We hope to see you in Brighton. Sign up below to learn how XML puts the X in eXtyles!
Learned Publishing: All about accessibility
Making digital content more accessible to readers with print disabilities—including visual impairments, dyslexia, and mobility issues—is becoming a priority for publishers of all kinds. It can also seem like a daunting challenge! So we were delighted to see the January issue of Learned Publishing dedicated to this topic, and particularly encouraged by its specific focus on “making accessibility more accessible to publishers.”
This special issue is packed with real-world perspectives, advice, and lessons learned, contributed by your colleagues in the scholarly and scientific publishing space based on their experiences, as well as by service providers and by readers with print disabilities. We particularly recommend these articles:
- Bill Kasdorf, “Why accessibility is hard and how to make it easier: Lessons from publishers,” based on interviews with publishers and service providers known for producing accessible publications
- Madeleine Rothberg, “Publishing with accessibility standards from the inside out,” focusing on how existing standards build on one another to create accessible content
- Lauren Trimble, “Accessibility at JSTOR: From box-checking to a more inclusive and sustainable future,” a case study of JSTOR’s transition from remediating inaccessible content to building “born accessible” content up front
- George Abbott, “How publishing has helped and hindered me: Experiences and advice from a blind reader and publisher”—as it says on the tin, a unique perspective on accessibility from both sides of the virtual desk
Find Inera at upcoming conferences
► eXtyles XML Export Workshop & Typefi User Conference
Brighton, UK, 22 & 23 March
The sixth annual Typefi User Conference will feature a workshop on accessible publishing, customer case studies, and presentations from industry experts, as well as time to share best practices and learn from other users, partners, and staff. Join Inera Solutions Consultant Robin Dunford on March 22 for a workshop that will empower you to troubleshoot your eXtyles XML exports (see above)!
► JATS-Con
Bethesda, MD, 17 & 18 April
Inera’s Bruce Rosenblum will be attending this year’s JATS-Con, the peer-reviewed, NLM-hosted conference on all things JATS—but also all things BITS and STS!
► Council of Science Editors Annual Meeting
New Orleans, LA, 5–8 May
Inera’s Elizabeth Blake and Jennifer Seifert will be attending CSE 2018, and Elizabeth will once again be an instructor for the Short Course for Manuscript
► Society for Scholarly Publishing Annual Meeting
Chicago, IL, 30 May–1 June
Inera’s Elizabeth Blake and Bruce Rosenblum will be attending this special 40th anniversary edition of the SSP Annual Meeting, and Bruce will be co-chairing a session with Christine Orr of Ringgold on Metadata and Persistent Identifiers through the Research and Publication Cycle.
Attending one of these events? We’d love to see you! Please contact us if you’d like to schedule a meeting.