February 2022 Newsletter

Introducing Typefi Writer + Edifix

Our collaborative relationship with Typefi goes back a long way, and it’s always exciting to see what interesting innovation will come out of it next. Earlier this month, Typefi launched Typefi Writer 8.7.2, which incorporates a new feature we absolutely love: integrated Edifix reference correction! 

Intrigued? See how it works in this 2-minute video from Typefi:

→ Did You Know? As of February 2021, Edifix had processed 2 million references; one year later, we’re up to 5.7 million!

People of Inera: Jo Ripoll

This new feature will introduce you to newer Inera team members and help you get to know not-so-new team members better.

As our resident Marketing Specialist since 2017, Jo (no, it’s not short for anything) is responsible for marketing, admin, and event planning tasks, including organizing XUG! You’ll also see her contributions in our newsletter design, images on our website, and, most recently, our new eXtyles user documentation. In this month’s newsletter, Jo answers some questions to help you get to know her a little better!

Q: What’s your favorite thing about your job at Inera?

Definitely planning XUG! I really enjoy all the organization that goes into it. Maybe that’s what I like—organizing things.

Q: Tell us about your pets!Image: A collection of various-sized stuffed dragons on a chair in a polaroid that reads "The Creative Team"

No pets right now, sadly—but my partner and I somehow started collecting dragons when we moved into this house, so I’m going with dragons 😁

Q: What are 3 fun facts about you? Do you have a random talent?
  1. I went to Scotland for grad school, and I love to travel. Definitely miss being able to easily do that since COVID.
  2. I crochet! My obsession started just before the pandemic, and I’ve managed to get both my partner and her sister into crocheting, too. 
  3. I do have a random talent. I can tell if something (like a picture frame) is level just by looking at it. I’m practically always right when I double check with an actual level, which is super surprising since I’ve had glasses and terrible vision since I was five years old.
Q: What superpower would you choose, if you could only have one, and why?

Either teleportation, so I could travel anywhere without having to pay for flights; or telekinesis—specifically like Paige in the original Charmed, who could picture an object, say its name, and have it appear in her hand. That would be really useful for me, both because I’m always forgetting where I put my phone down and because it would make getting things off the top shelf infinitely easier.

What we’re reading: Kudos, courage, and correction

Happy third anniversary to The Source, from our friends at Cabells! And kudos to our Atypon colleagues Hong Zhou and Megan Prosser on their second guest appearance on the Scholarly Kitchen blog. “Google, Atypon, NIH, and information discovery’s AI-fueled future” offers highlights from Hong’s recent participation in a BioASQ panel with colleagues from Google and the National Institutes of Health. (You can read their first Scholarly Kitchen guest post here.)


In a guest post on the Retraction Watch blog, a group of public health researchers describe their experiences in an under-appreciated but crucial contribution to the scholarly record: alerting journal editors to errors in their publications. “Courage and correction: How editors handle—and mishandle—errors in their journals” analyzes how editors’ processes and decisions shape the results of these record-correcting efforts and concludes that

Improving and standardizing editorial practice when an apparent error is pointed out may help minimize the stigma associated with correcting errors. Normalizing error correction would eliminate the perceived animosity between the group whose paper is being critiqued and the group offering the critiques, making the situation less complicated. Authors should not be penalized if they make honest mistakes that arise from otherwise rigorous work.

Standardizing CRediT

It’s official: CRediT, the Contributor Roles Taxonomy, is now ANSI/NISO Z39.104-2022

Originally developed in 2014, CRediT is used by more than 50 scholarly publishers and other organizations, representing thousands of journals—and gaining official ANSI/NISO standard status will undoubtedly increase its adoption. The taxonomy describes 14 roles that cover the typical range of contributors to a scientific article, book, or other scholarly project; it’s designed to make individual contributions more transparent and to ensure that they are recognized appropriately.

→ Did you know? The eXtyles ORCID Integration Suite can also collect CRediT metadata and pass it through seamlessly into the XML output.

Find Inera at upcoming conferences

NISO Plus 2022: Global Conversations, Global Connections

February 15-17

Researcher to Reader Conference 2022

February 22 & 23

Inera’s Sylvia Izzo Hunter will be a facilitator for the workshop “A Disability Toolkit for Scholarly Publishing,” along with other members of Publishing Enabled.

CSE 2022 Annual Meeting

April 30-May 3

JATS-Con 2022

May 3 & 4

SSP 2022 Annual Meeting

June 1-3

Balisage: The Markup Conference

August 1-5

The Balisage 2022 call for participation is now open!


Word Tips: Selecting text with your mouse

ℹ️  Our Word Tips are tested on recent versions of Word for Windows. If you are using Word for Mac, which has a smaller feature set, your mileage may vary.

You probably know that you can select a single word by double-clicking in it, and a whole paragraph by triple-clicking. But did you know that Word also gives you a way to select the whole document without either scrolling from the top to the bottom (and losing your place at least twice) or using your keyboard?

To do this, move your mouse pointer to the left of the paragraphs in your document, until the pointer changes from an I-beam to a white arrow pointing up and to the right.

From here, you can click once to select the nearest line of text; click twice to select the nearest paragraph; and click three times to select all the text in your document!

→ Bonus Tip: Once you’ve got that arrow showing in the left margin, you can also select the whole document using Ctrl-click.

Have an intractable Word problem you’d love to solve? Have a clever tip to share? Send it to us at [email protected] (subject line: Word Tips)!