XUG 2012
The 8th Annual eXtyles User Group Meeting (XUG) was held at the Lenox Hotel in Boston on Friday, November 16, 2012. Customers and partners from North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia joined the Inera team to discuss eXtyles, electronic publishing workflows, and current trends in the industry. Click on the links below to access the slide presentations.
Inera presentations
Inera Developments and eXtyles Enhancements
Elizabeth Blake
Intro to Schematron
Jonina Dames
Industry Updates
Bruce Rosenblum
Guest presentations
Single-Source Publishing at the International Organization for Standardization
Serge Juillerat and Laurent Galichet, ISO
Enhanced Automation: eXtyles SI at Dartmouth Journal Services
Steve Haenel and Deb Sargent, DJS
Producing Multilingual Publications at the World Health Organization
Melanie Lauckner, WHO