XUG 2013
The 9th Annual eXtyles User Group Meeting (XUG) was held at the Sheraton Commander in Cambridge, MA, on November 14 and 15, 2013. Customers and partners from North America, Europe, and Asia joined the Inera team to discuss eXtyles, industry standards, and other current topics in electronic publishing. Click on the links below to access the slide presentations.
Inera presentations
Inera Developments and eXtyles Enhancements
Elizabeth Blake
Industry Updates
Bruce Rosenblum
Panel on ORCID in Scholarly Publishing Workflows
About ORCID iDs
Laura Paglione, ORCID
ORCID iDs: From Article Acceptance to Publication
Rebecca Barr, Nature Publishing Group
ORCID: Just a DOI for Authors?
Richard Wynne, Aries Systems
JATS and BITS Presentation
JATS and BITS Update
Deborah A. Lapeyre, Mulberry Technologies