New functions in eXtyles Cleanup: “Detabling” non-table content
March 4, 2020
We’re always looking for ways to make eXtyles functions more helpful! Here’s what’s new with eXtyles Cleanup … When is a table not a table? When you work with author-submitted Word documents...Read More
eXtyles customer Q&A: Jim Bender, US Government Publishing Office
February 20, 2020
As part of our #eXtyles20th celebrations, we’re sitting down with a variety of eXtyles customers to chat about their experiences! First up is Jim Bender, whose team at the US Government Publishing...Read More
Excel tips for editors, Part 2: Working with text
February 4, 2020
As an editor, you likely know a lot more about Microsoft Word than the average person! What you might not know is that Microsoft Excel also has a lot to offer the...Read More
Excel tips for editors, Part 1: Working with numbers
January 7, 2020
As an editor, you likely know a lot more about Microsoft Word than the average person! What you might not know is that Microsoft Excel also has a lot to offer the...Read More