Since our original post was published, there have been many new developments with ORCID. At the basic numbers level, ORCID now has 800,000 registered users and 142 members, over 100 of whom have integrated ORCID identifiers into their workflows and systems (a list of current integrations with ORCID is available here).
The ORCID UI now supports information on organizations and education (with support for Ringgold organization identifiers) and funding (with support for FundRef and the addition of the ÜberResearch wizard). Ongoing updates on ORCID’s progress can be found at ORCID Executive Director Laure Haak’s blog.
Along with increasing numbers of integrations, the sophistication of those integrations is rising. The first authenticated ORCID workflow was introduced by eJournalPress through their EJPress online submission system. Laure Haak commented, “eJournalPress has been a true publishing leader in responsible integration of ORCID identifiers.”
On the eXtyles front, Inera has added support for ORCID iDs during export from Word to XML. If ORCID iDs are included in the author line, eXtyles can export the iDs correctly to JATS XML or any earlier version of the NLM DTD (see eXtyles News). Customers who are interested in adding support for export of ORCID iDs should contact eXtyles Support. Several eXtyles customers are actively looking at the best way to take ORCID iDs seamlessly from their manuscript submission or content management systems, through Word, and into XML via eXtyles, and we hope to have news of the first such implementation in the near future. If your organization has plans to incorporate ORCID iDs into your eXtyles workflow, please let us know—we look forward to working with you to support the ORCID iD.