November-December 2018 Newsletter
In this month's newsletter:
- XUG 2018: Food for thought
- Collaboration at work: Editorial Manager 15.0, featuring eXtyles Metadata Extraction
- #CRLIVE18: We are Crossref
- On the Inera blog: JATS and CRediT; our support philosophy
- New data on article retractions
- Word Tip: Using Outline view to reorganize your document
May 2018 Newsletter
In this month's newsletter:
- Save the date for XUG 2018
- PubMed news: MathML at PubMed
- PubMed news: NCBI’s API keys
- JATS-Con 2018: quick picks for eXtyles users
- Staff spotlight: Elizabeth Blake
- STS XML samples are now online!
- New on the blog: NISO STS vs DITA, why we love our Journal Database
- Upcoming conferences
- Word Tip: Decimal-align numbers in a table
April 2018 Newsletter
In this month's newsletter:
- In praise of the eXtyles Support Portal
- Spotlight on eXtyles Font Audit
- Catch Inera at JATS-Con 2018!
- On the Crossref blog: How we use Crossref metadata
- Upcoming conferences
- Epic Word Fail: I know Unicode exists, I just like my way better
November 2017 Newsletter
In this month's newsletter:
- Introducing … eXtyles STS!
- What’s new with JATS?
- Now playing: Standardizing Standards
- News for MathType users
- It’s a wrap! All about XUG 2017
- What happens in Frankfurt ...
- Upcoming conferences
- Word Tip: Auto-numbering Comments in Word 2013+
- Epic Word Fail: All dashes are basically the same, right?