January 2022 Newsletter
In this month's newsletter:
- New year, new eXtyles user documentation space
- Edifix news: Cabells Reference Checking
- What we're reading: Inclusive style guides and NLM tourism
- Community @ Atypon
- Word Tips: Why is my Word text doing that??
- Upcoming conferences
September 2021 Newsletter
In this month's newsletter:
- Register now for XUG 2021!
- “eXtyles + Accessibility” blog series
- Edifix + Cabells update
- From Crossref: How to build a DOI
- What we’re reading: Citation reports, hijacked journals, and preprint policies
- Word tips: More formatting fun with Find & Replace
- Upcoming conferences
July/August 2021 Newsletter
In this month's newsletter:
- Mark your calendar for XUG 2021!
- Edifix + Cabells: Some updated results
- New webinar date!
- What we’re reading: Displaying retractions, talking about errors, and the myth of fully automated web accessibility
- Word Tips: Formatting tricks
- Upcoming conferences
June 2021 Newsletter
In this month's newsletter:
- Better and faster equation handling in eXtyles
- Mark your calendar: Wrangling References and Corralling Citations in eXtyles
- Edifix + Cabells: The story so far
- Typefi Standards Symposium
- Thanks for joining us at SSP!
- What we're reading: Collections
- Word Tips: Section breaks 101
- Upcoming conferences