May 2020 Newsletter
In this month's newsletter:
- Online training and upcoming free webinar
- #eXtyles20th: Q&A with Norwegian Medical Association
- Save the date: eXtyles Arc + Typefi Webinar
- ISO adopts NISO STS
- End of an era: Celebrating Irina Golfman
- NISO launches CRediT Taxonomy initiative
- Strict Open XML, Word, and eXtyles
- eXtyles news: Metadata in eXtyles SI
- Preprint archives step up
- Edifix: What’s new and improved
- The weirder side of automated reference processing
April 2020 Newsletter
In this month's newsletter:
- Inera is #WorkingFromHome
- Customer news: Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health
- New Inera blog posts
- What’s new in eXtyles?
- What’s new with Edifix?
- 2020 spring conference update
- Word Tip: Copying and moving without overwriting Clipboard contents
September 2019 Newsletter
In this month's newsletter:
- Counting down to #XUGXV
- Edifix news
- News from the XML universe
- On the blog: Better living through Word tables
- Update on PubMed Labs
- Upcoming conferences
- Word Tip: The no-width optional break
September 2018 Newsletter
In this month's newsletter:
- Introducing … Edifix 4.0!
- Single-source and accessible publishing: Inera & Typefi at #FBM18
- Countdown to #XUG2018
- From the Support team
- New on the blog: Using Word styles to create semantic structure
- NCBI API Keys update: Patches available now!
- Upcoming conferences
- Word Tip: Find and replace text in Comment balloons