July 2018 Newsletter
In this month's newsletter:
- New on the blog: eXtyles service packs
- Inera and ORCID in ALPSP
- Update: PubMed API Keys
- Customer news: American Academy of Pediatrics
- Staff news
- XUG is on the move!
- Upcoming conferences
- Always on tap: Crossref status updates
- Word Tip: Using the Restrict Editing tools
January 2018 Newsletter
In this month's newsletter:
- Feature spotlight: eXtyles Tooltips
- Breaking news: Microsoft Equation Editor
- New customer highlights: Sendaikyodo Printing Co.
- Thinking beyond the Latin alphabet: Face/Interface
- JATS-Con call for participation
- Upcoming conferences
- Word Tip: Copy and paste with tracked changes
- Epic Word Fail: Hung up on hanging indents