November-December 2018 Newsletter
In this month's newsletter:
- XUG 2018: Food for thought
- Collaboration at work: Editorial Manager 15.0, featuring eXtyles Metadata Extraction
- #CRLIVE18: We are Crossref
- On the Inera blog: JATS and CRediT; our support philosophy
- New data on article retractions
- Word Tip: Using Outline view to reorganize your document
October 2018 Newsletter
In this month's newsletter:
- Countdown to #XUG2018
- Key takeaways from #ALPSP18
- Highlights from Inera’s trip to Frankfurt
- On the Inera blog: XML export, semantic structure
- Upcoming conferences
- Epic Word Fail: The plural of “column” is not “table”
September 2018 Newsletter
In this month's newsletter:
- Introducing … Edifix 4.0!
- Single-source and accessible publishing: Inera & Typefi at #FBM18
- Countdown to #XUG2018
- From the Support team
- New on the blog: Using Word styles to create semantic structure
- NCBI API Keys update: Patches available now!
- Upcoming conferences
- Word Tip: Find and replace text in Comment balloons
August 2018 Newsletter
In this month's newsletter:
- XUG 2018 is coming!
- Update: NCBI API Keys
- Customer news: State Bar of Wisconsin
- Hello, hotkeys!
- From the Support team
- New on the blog: From format to structure
- Upcoming conferences
- Epic Word Fail: The big correlation table that couldn't